The link between dairy products and cardiovascular diseases is improving. According to Finnish researchers, whose study was published The British Journal of Nutritionmen who consume "fermented" versions of these products are at a reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease. And this compared to those who do not eat at all or prefer conventional dairy products.
Cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir are good examples of fermented dairy products. Various studies have already suggested that they have positive effects on blood lipid profiles and on the risk of cardiovascular disease. But are they better for the heart than other dairy products? To find out, scientists from the University of Eastern Finland conducted the survey.
A reduced risk of a quarter!
For this, they studied the eating habits of 2,000 of their compatriots aged 42 to 60, between 1984 and 1989. During this follow-up that lasted 20 years, 472 men experienced an episode of coronary heart disease.
The participants were then divided into different groups according to their consumption of dairy products. Results, those who preferred the fermented versions – had a 26% decreased risk of being a victim of cardiovascular disease.
If all the mechanisms leading to this result are not understood, the authors explain that " beneficial compounds must form at the time of fermentation ". According to them, this reinforces the idea of varying the pleasures of dairy products, not neglecting yogurts or cheeses.
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