An American describes her maternal burn-out on Facebook and gets the support of many Internet users


"That's what depression looks like." On Facebook, Brittany Ernsperger, a young 25-year-old American mother, described her maternal burnout with great transparency. And it seems that his message was echoed by many people since two weeks after its publication on June 30, it had been shared by 207,000 Internet users and commented over 800 times.

In his message, the young woman describes his malaise with details. "Three days ago, I was sitting on the kitchen floor and I was looking at the pile of dishes crying, I knew I had to do it, I really wanted to do it, but the depression pulled me to the She sucked me in. Like a black hole, "she begins. "No value, no, incompetent, stupid, lazy, that's what goes through the mind of someone with depression all day long," she continues, describing the feeling of guilt that procrastination triggered in her. [19659002"Beafraidthatyourhusbandwillleaveyoubecausehethinksyouarelazybeafraidtoletpeopleinbecausetheythinkyou'redirtythinkyou'veletyourkidsdownbecauseisthethirdnightinarowthatyoudonothaveaplatewheretoputthemealsoweorderpizzasagain"writesBrittanyexplainingthateverythingelse"laundrycleaningdressingtakeashowerdressingthechildrenwashingtheirteethallthelittlespotsofeverydaylifebecomeanightmare" And to conclude: "Depression is something that 'strong' people do not talk about because they do not want to be thought to be 'weak'. You have been strong for so long and have suffered so much that your body needs a break (…) I do not care that the only thing you have done today is to put deodorant I'm proud of you for that Well played, I'm on your side "

The depression today would affect 300 000 million people in the world

If by publishing this post, the young woman badured do not "seek sympathy" from Internet users, it must have been the first surprise by the magnitude of the responses. Indeed, her testimony was commented by hundreds of women thanking her for breaking the omerta around depression and more specifically maternal burn-out.

"I know this feeling. from the dishes in my sink there, I usually leave her for several days, wash half and leave the rest I've been fighting depression for a big part of my life … now I have thyroid problems besides I have taken 68 kg since I was 20 years old and I feel like I can not motivate myself to do more, but I am working on my spirituality and I have already made a lot of progress since my divorce five years ago. " , comments one user. "This picture and story is incredible, but unfortunately nothing can really make you understand depression other than having experienced it yourself and I do not wish it to anyone," writes another.

In 2015, depression affected more than 300 million people worldwide, 18% more than a decade earlier, according to the World Health Organization. But if, by its increase, the disease is much less taboo than before, the maternal burn-out, it is a subject of which one speaks too little. Especially since the first symptoms (intense fatigue and feeling of being always overwhelmed) are most often ignored by the mother herself. Then, over the days, months, stress becomes more and more overwhelming, she feels literally emptied and begins to experience fewer positive emotions for her child and to detach from him.

" working girl is no longer the model: women's job expectations are declining (women still have neither the responsibilities nor men's wages), and this is why women The idea that motherhood is the only area in which women can achieve their full potential, without any qualification, has come back, "explained psychologist Maryse Vaillant last year at the website. Also, to be able to go forward, the specialist recommends to accept to mourn the ideal mother. "Of course, there will still be exceptional moments to live, but they will not bring back the wonder, the dream of an ideal motherhood.This test of reality, every woman experiences when she becomes a mother, and must do with it for all life, "she concluded, calling the entourage of young moms to support them as much as possible.

Today, even though Brittany Ernsperger does not give details about her husband and loved ones in its publication, it seems that the support of Internet users reinvigorated a minimum. "I did not expect so much love, girls, if you feel like that, ask me as a friend on Facebook, I'll do my best to help you or get you to help," wrote the young woman on the social network after seeing the craze caused by his post. And conclude with a message of hope: "We'll get along together, we can only help each other by pulling ourselves up, I'm here for you."





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