Astonishing! A woman licks her newly born baby


Licking your baby, a new practice? A woman has experienced it on her child since birth

An amazing gesture goes around the web. After the birth of a child, moms usually hold their children in their arms or kiss them. But, this woman had a gesture say … strange .

Taken by the photographer Ludy Siqueira of Shenhoritas Fotografia, a mother holding her new born in arms, licked her … face . Questioned by Kidspot A 35-year-old Australian nurse said she was surprised

It's normal to feel overwhelmed after a birth, but I have never seen anyone lick their baby. But if you think about it, there are not many differences between kissing and licking.

Licking your baby, good for your health?

Common practice in mammals, this gesture may seem surprising. And yet, it would be good for health. This would eliminate viruses and bacteria that drag on the surface of the baby's skin. But also according to The Independent it would be a kind of "chemical recognition" between the mother and the child

A practice really … strange. What do you think?

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