Beware of the dangers of fish pedicure!


A young woman lost six of her toenails after a fish pedicure. The fish would have bitten the nails, which would have caused their fall.

The fashion of the fish pedicure may be coming to an end soon … July 3, the journal JAMA Dermatology has indeed revealed a new case: that of a young American woman who lost six of her toenails a few months after a "fish pedicure". This practice, more and more widespread, has been in vogue for a few years. The client immerses his feet in a 25 degree bath filled with small fish, the Garra rufa or "fish doctors". They then rush to his feet to suck the dead skin. They actually reproduce a behavior they have in their natural habitat: Garra rufa feed on plankton, which they obtain by sucking the surface of the rocks.

"A trauma caused by the fish that bites the dish of the nail several times "

But it seems that the fish went there a little strong this time … Following its pedicure, the patient evoked in the columns of JAMA Dermatology has indeed developed onychomadesis, a pathology of the nail which causes its fall. " Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it is likely that the trauma caused by the fish biting the nail plate several times causes it to fall ," said dermatology doctor Shari Lipner, who directed the study

In 2016, the National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and Labor (ANSES) had already warned against the fashion of the fish pedicure . " There is a potential risk of transmission of pathogens via water or fish during the practice of fish pedicure […] Due to the lack of data related to this practice, the Agency favors the collection of data on water quality and its evolution in establishments offering this type of pedicure, in order to quantify the health risks s, "she explained in a statement. A finding that seems to share Shari Lipner. " I would be surprised to find a single dermatologist who recommends a pedicure with Garra rufa ," she says.

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