Bpost focuses on recognized refugees to fill vacancies


By Belga

Bpost has recently pledged staff commitments to reduce the pressure on work among its employees. A complicated mission, however, in a currently tight labor market. The postal company is therefore considering the possibility of hiring refugees whose asylum application has been approved, the unions said on Tuesday.

The promise of additional commitments is part of the proposals on the table to restore social peace within bpost. The postal company had been on strike for several days at the beginning of November, due, among other things, to lack of staff and a high workload.

Bpost then badured that it would hire a thousand additional employees, a large part (900) temporarily to cope with the end of the year peak. She is busy with recruiting people for this purpose, she said Tuesday.

The task is difficult, however. The company already has 300 job offers open for the moment. "We can not recruit 300 people yet, how is she going to hire 1,300? ", Asks Jean-Pierre Nyns, Secretary CGSP.

In this situation, Bpost would look into the possibility of turning to refugees whose asylum application has been approved. This was already the case in the past but it will now be more important, according to the socialist trade unionist. Knowledge of one of the two national languages ​​is however required. And a complete training is also necessary. "You do not become a postman overnight," he says.

Bpost has been trying for some time now to reach people who have trouble finding their way to the job market. In the past, the company has already participated in a trade fair dedicated to recognized refugees. She is also working with the Flemish Employment Office VDAB to return long-term sick people to work.

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