Brazilian plastic surgeon "Dr. Popotin" on the run after an increase in the buttocks that goes wrong



He calls himself "Dr Popotin" and is followed by more than 650,000 Internet users on Instagram: Denis Furtado is sought after Tuesday by the Brazilian authorities because of a clandestine cosmetic surgery followed by the death of the patient

Seduced by the pictures "before" / "after" the operations which were published by this 45-year-old Brazilian, Lilian Quezia Calixto, bank employee, does not did not hesitate to travel more than 2,000 kilometers from Cuiaba to Rio de Janeiro to spend billiards.

Operated last Sunday in the apartment of Denis Furtado in Barra da Tijuca, wealthy neighborhood often nicknamed the "Miami Beach" Rio She was malnourished and had to be hospitalized.

After four cardiac arrests, she pbaded away. "Dr. Popotin" ("Dr. Bumbum" in Portuguese) faded into the wild and his girlfriend, who was also his media badistant, was incarcerated.

Accused of homicide and badociation criminals, the surgeon is wanted by the police, and his story made a big splash in the press of Brazil, the second country in the world where are practiced the most aesthetic surgeries, after the United States.

To offer women a dream body, he used a controversial technique of bad augmentation, with the injection of polymethyl methacrylate (PPMA).

The patient "
                     did not present any complications
                    During the intervention, said Naira Baldanza, the lawyer of Denis Furtado, according to the Brazilian news site G1. "
                     Any conclusion on the death of Lilian and the possible liability of my client (…) is premature
                    (19659005) The director of the hospital where the patient was transferred reported in her statement to the police that Lilian Quezia Calixto "
                     was still lucid and described what had happened
                    ", According to a police commissioner from Barra Tijuca, also quoted by G1.

The Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Surgery (SBPC) denounced a"
                     intrusion of non-specialists who caused more and more fatal cases like this
                    . "

                     You can not practice cosmetic surgery in an apartment. Many people sell an illusion, a fantasy, devoid of all ethics, to fragile people attracted by low prices
                    AFPC President Niveo Steffen told AFP

He said that the increase in gluteal injection of bio-polymers, also known as bioplasty, poses many risks and has caused the death of tens of women in Latin America, especially in Venezuela

The case of "Dr. Popotin" shows a certain "
                     trivialization of cosmetic surgeries performed by non-specialists, who sometimes are not even doctors and put the population at risk
                    According to G1, the surgeon, who was also working in Brasilia, was charged four times by the Federal District police for the illegal practice of medicine and crimes against the consumer.

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