Caroline receives distraught text messages from her son aboard a Brussels – Barcelona flight, and thinks of a crash: "The plane has a problem, I'm stressed, I love you mom"


Wednesday, Caroline had the fear of her life. While her son has just boarded a Ryanair plane to go to Barcelona from Brussels (flight FR2921 13:55), she receives an alarmist SMS from him.

"He writes to me 'We are flying, there is a problem in the plane. I'm stressing. I love you mom. I love you so much, "describes Caroline, a 50-year-old Waterloo resident, after warning us via the orange button Alert us.Frankly, I started to panic, says one who came an hour earlier to drop his 27-year-old son at Brussels airport. Tears came up, I started crying".

How to react? Caroline is trying to find out more, but her son has little network. "Some messages reach me, he explains that the plane must absolutely turn around"She said a problem would have been detected at the level of the device, but we do not know more for the moment.The airport of Brussels"has no information about itRyanair, as usual, is unreachable.

After 30 minutes of flight, the plane in which the son of Caroline had embarked did indeed turn around and landed at Brussels airport, its starting point. The flight plan recorded by Flightradar 24 is formal: bxl

Subsequently, her son was able to board a new plane, chartered on site, she explained. But imagining a possible crash has, of course, caused terrible anxiety in the minds of Caroline and her son.

Relieved, they continued their exchange of sms which, once past the horrible fear, were very touching, as these screenshots show.

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