Club Med in Morocco: new investment ideas


Exchanges between the Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Crafts and Social Economy, Mohamed Sajid, and the CEO of Club Med, Henri Giscard d'Estaing, last Thursday, it appears that the French group is interested by new investment ideas in Morocco.

According to the Economist, this interview between the two leaders is focused on ways to launch new projects in the Kingdom. Sajid welcomed the place and positioning of the French group in Morocco, stressing that the promotion of its tourism product and investment in new promising destinations will have the effect of reinvigorating the tourism dynamic, to highlight the potential of the region. countries in the sector and to offer jobs to young people.

The communiqué of the Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and the Social Economy notably underlined the important contribution of Club Med to development. According to the economist who tells us about it, the minister "felt that the changes that are taking place in the tourism sector, its potential, traditions and cultural badets will undoubtedly help to promote Club Med's vision for the expansion of its tourist activity in Morocco ".

For his part, Giscard d'Estaing expressed "its determination to cooperate with a group of tourist promoters and Moroccan travel agencies, with the conclusion of partnerships in the fields of hospitality and tourism." The two parties agreed to "consolidate and develop the achievements made and launch new projects in new Moroccan destinations, in accordance with international standards in the field".

Having already presented in 2017 its new strategy for Morocco, Club Med baderts itself as one of the largest investors and tour operators in the tourism sector at the Kingdom level where it has significant partners, like the Deposit and Management.

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