Dating site: the essential level of education for women


Women who use dating sites would like to establish relationships with men at the same level of education as they do.

On dating sites, women would be demanding on the level of education of their partners potential, according to the results of a study published in the medical journal Psychological Science .

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Researchers at Queensland University of Technology in Australia realized the largest behavioral economics badysis of online dating Australian dating site. They examined more than 219,013 contacts 41,936 members for four months in 2016.

Similar levels of study

This study showed that women around age 40 were more demanding regarding the level of study of men they chose. They prefer potential partners for men at a level similar or superior to theirs.

But, it seems that women's demands change with age. After 40 years men are more demanding about the educational level of their partners.

"It's an amazing way to look at partner search behaviors because they give us an accurate snapshot of 'a large group of so diverse people (18 to 80 years old),' said co-author Dr. Stephen Whyte.

"Previous research on dating sites had shown similar or stronger preferences among women to find a partner who has studied, but since our data includes subjects aged 18 to 80, we can show in an exhaustive way how these preferences change during the reproductive cycle of subjects. "

The researcher stated that "However, for all age groups on our panel, women clearly had higher minimum education expectations for men than they were looking for."

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