Do you have nausea in the car? Here are the glasses "miracles" …



The French car manufacturer markets "miracle" glbades

No less than 30,000 Europeans suffer from motion sickness. At a time when many holidaymakers are taking the road, it is a nightmare for those who, as soon as the journey lengthens somewhat, are nauseated.

An evil that could soon belong to the past. Indeed, Citroën has been selling for a few days glbades of a kind a little particular. A cure for motion sickness that would be 95% effective, according to the manufacturer.

These glbades, cleverly named "Seetroën" were in fact developed by a French start-up. Their look is strange, with their four rings containing a liquid to follow the movement of the head and recreate an artificial horizon.

It is not necessary to wear them during the whole trip, but as soon as the first symptoms appear, putting them on for a good ten minutes is enough to erase the nausea. The glbades can be purchased on the Citroën online store at a price of 99 €.

A certain price, but for the many people who suffer from this pathology (motion sickness) due to the imbalance between the visual perception and the vestibular system of the inner ear (sensory organ that contributes to our balance) is an investment that is definitely worth it.

However, if it is your children who suffer, know that wearing glbades Seetroën is not recommended for children under 10 years. As the development of the inner ear is not complete at this age, it is better to avoid any risk of disturbance.

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