Doctors demand easing of legislation on therapeutic cannabis


In a forum, experts denounce the status quo French research on medical cannabis. The signatories urge the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, to "go faster" to make things happen.

"How long will France persist in cultivating its delay?" s' annoying in the Parisian pages of July 8, 2018, doctors, elected officials and writers. "To produce cannabis for a therapeutic use in France is no longer an option but a necessity" they bademble. Their platform, addressed to the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, denounces the eternal demonization in France of cannabis and the heavy arsenal legislative and regulatory surrounding it, paralyzing research on its interest in medicine. The signatories point out that already thirty-three countries have partially or fully legalized cannabis for therapeutic use

Huge potential for patients

However, cannabis probably has a lot to offer patients. A very comprehensive report of its effects on health was published in 2017 by the American Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. " There is substantial evidence and evidence to support the effectiveness of the product in the management of chronic pain, the physical disorders caused by chemotherapy and muscle spasm related to multiple sclerosis" read in the gallery. " There are solid publications confirms Dr. William Lowenstein, addictologist, president of" SOS addictions ", and co-signer of the text. " All studies are not equal, but the works the child's rebellious epilepsies are, for example, fairly successful " he notes

The doctor is also convinced of the importance of cannabis through his professional practice." We see patients who benefit from cannabis, and are forced to obtain supplies illegally. And there are also those who consume CBD – one of the cannabinoids – in the form of e-liquid in electronic cigarettes, which are starting to hit the market "explains the addictologist.

Few adverse effects of cannabinoids

In addition to being interesting in different pathologies, cannabis often has fewer side effects than traditional medicines. "Without opposing the usual French pharmacopoeia which is based on different drug clbades including opiates and derivatives such as morphine, Tramadol, Efferalgan codéine, Oxycontin, etc., used for the treatment of pain, it is to authorize the use of an alternative product, whose mode of action and the mode of administration such as the vaporization lead to almost no side effect " write the authors. Dr. Lowenstein relies in particular on the Israeli example. "In Israel, cannabis makes it possible for elderly people to reduce their use of drugs with problematic side effects, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and sleeping pills."

The urgency to get out of ideology and "get to work"

According to the authors of the forum, it is not less than 300 000 French patients who could appease their suffering otherwise, legally, thanks to cannabis. Signatory doctors are calling for new studies and a national debate on the issue. "Faced with this therapeutic potential, we can not do without a real scientific work, it is a loss of luck and comfort for our patients."

The podium emphasizes need to stop considering the use of cannabis as dangerous, reducing it to the category of prohibited substances. "There is a lot to distinguish the molecules of the plant by demonstrating pedagogy to the public and elected officials, some of them are still content to observe cannabis under the lens of its recreational effects and the the crime it generates " can we read." In cannabis, the biggest drug addiction to fear is that of conventional wisdom " ensures Dr. Lowenstein.

Minister of Health open to an evolution of the situation

On May 24, 2018, Mrs. Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Health, declared that she would like to open this national debate on therapeutic cannabis that she wishes to enrich. of in-depth studies, pointing out the obvious delay that France had taken on this opportunity. " There is no reason to exclude, on the pretext that it is cannabis, a molecule that may be of interest for treatment of certain very disabling pain "she added.

The French also want to make things happen: According to the recent Ifop survey, 82% of respondents favor the use of cannabis on prescription medical, 73% are convinced of the duty of the State in funding research on the therapeutic uses of cannabis, and 62% consider that medical cannabis must finally be accessible in all its forms or even refundable by the Social Security. 19659005]

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