"Dr. Popotin" arrested after cosmetic surgery went wrong


"Dr. Popotin" was arrested Thursday in Rio de Janeiro, accused of causing the death of a patient who was victim of an oppression of clandestine cosmetic surgery.

"Arrest of the doctor accused of causing the death of a bank employee after an operation practiced in his apartment," to announce the Rio military policeman on Twitter.

I remember well the day I hit this picture, from elsewhere, who hit me. It was a rainy Saturday in Brasilia, when a friend asked me for help because she had faced in recent weeks with big problems with her ex-husband and daughter, who have absorbed all the war and stress of separated parents. hyperactive, anxious, aggressive and sick child, only at 4 years old, age when the character of the child is modeled. There are two very important factors for changing your #epigenetica in the character of #neuromodulation and #terapianeural, which are the free arbiter and the environment in which you live, generating contamination, recontamination and change. chemical brain neuromodulators. The child was already accompanied by a psychiatrist, using strong medications to stay calm and sleep, even with a visible, but emanuelle, uncontrolled, mother and my friend, in addition to depression and depression. Anxiety, developed a significant migraine. That day, which would be a rest for me, in the quiet country of Brasilia, at the end of the week and with a hot shower, Manu called me urgently because he was very sick with her migraine attacks and #dor #dorcronica, asking me to intervene. I agree with her at my South Lake Clinic, I did a single neural therapy session and she just slept … She slept for 30 minutes and said that she dreamed of all her problems, remembered the blocked events and she did not even remember it, solved the equations in her mind that referred to the problem when the emotional trigger was triggered by her daughter's problem, got up and was tall, painless, crisis-free, with a beautiful smile on his face. Manu said that he would record this moment and asked me to "make a face of the one who dominates the situation", laughed and did what "ok, you can trust me" pose … I I remember with affection that day, Manu and her daughter. Patients only come to your home when you have problems, it is a fact of being a doctor, but I am very happy with any help that I could give you that day. Interesting that all the TPM and its symptoms also solved, the fact that she told me a few months later, but that will tell the next … Hugs, #DrDenisFurtado

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Denis Furtado, I proclaimed "Dr. Bumbum" (Dr. Popotin in Portuguese) on social networks, in the office building of Barra da Tijuca, wealthy district of the city. west

Accused of homicide and criminal badociation, the Brazilian doctor

Accused of homicide and criminal badociation, the Brazilian doctor Lilian Quezia Calixto, for the medical profession, is responsible 650,000 internees, plus 2,000 kilometers from Cuiaba for a gluteal augmentation operation.

Dr. Bumbum teaches: Perfect example of #bioplastiadegluteos that values ​​a lot contours and formats, the remedy of trochanteric depression, when the patient presents Cidez accentuada and his desire is to appreciate the touch and the bad imperfections , gluteal format, favoring an excellent increase of size, besides the format and the Beauty. The superior projection promoted by #bioplasty is perceived as the elimination of flaccidity to the touch, allowing a better cut of the clothes, a raising in bikini and especially a high rise of the self-esteem by l 39; elimination of the flaccid bad that previously occurred. A # depression, or lateral gluteus, is a common complaint in Brazilian women, being easily corrected with this technique in bioplasty. As I teach in my #medicinaestetica book, it accurately shows that #gluteoplasty is not just for buttock augmentation, but for improving its shape and repair of imperfections. More information about BIOPLASTIA by WhatsApp and phone 61-99999-6379, thanks! Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo! #DrBumbum teaches! Health and beauty always! #DrDenisFurtado #bioplastiadequadril #bioplastiafacial #bioplastiadenariz #bioplastiadecoxas #bioplastiadelabios

A publication shared by Dr. Denis Furtado (@drdenisfurtado) on



Operated on Saturday night in Denis Furtado's apartment in Barra da Tijuca, the patient felt unwell and had to be hospitalized.

"Dr. Popotin" used a controversial augmentation technique for bad, after injection of polymethyl methacrylate (PPMA)

The case at high noise in

Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Surgery (SBPC) denounced an "intrusion of non-specialists who caused more and more fatal cases like this"

"One can not practice cosmetic surgery in a flat. Many people sell the illusion, joins a fantasy, Niveo Steffen

According to him, the man in the AFP the president of the SBPC increase of glutes by biopolymers, also wide up,

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