Eating too much red meat can double the risk of endometriosis


Thanks to stars suffering from endometriosis such as Laetitia Milot, Lena Dunham, Halsey, or Daisy Ridley, the disease has become, in recent years, a real public health problem. To prevent the arrival of this gynecological disease very debilitating, many experts emphasize the importance of diet.

Limit red meat to avoid endometriosis

A team of American researchers conducted a study for more than 22 years, out of a total of 81,908 women. The results were published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and they are convincing.

The Washington-based team has shown that women who consume red meat on average twice a day have twice as much lucky to have endometriosis. It is not necessarily steak or other pieces of the butcher, but meat in processed foods, such as industrial lasagna, pizzas, and other dishes ready.

In question: the steroid hormones present in red meat

Good and bad foods against endometriosis

The endogirl community is of course aware of this, but it does not hurt to afford a small booster shot . Diet is essential in the management and prevention of a disease. The foods to avoid are therefore red meat, foods containing animal fats (such as gelatine so farewell candies), or vegetable foods, caffeine, very sweet foods, including alcohol.

On the contrary, the white meat, fish and shellfish are recommended, especially those rich in omega 3. It is also necessary to stock up on fruits and vegetables and anti-oxidants present in large numbers in raspberries, peaches or Brussels sprouts.

These feeding rules are effective in trying to prevent endometriosis but they are overall good for everyone, endogirls or not, woman or man. So the next time a carpaccio catches your eye, take the salmon!

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