Ebola: Spanish researchers work on a universal vaccine


These researchers from the Madrilenian public hospital of October 12 have been working for months, in collaboration with two other institutions in the Spanish capital, on blood samples from three patients suffering from the virus and treated in Spain. [19659002AccordingtoRafaelDelgadodirectorofthisteamofresearchersthethreepatientsdevelopedantibodies"veryeffective"againstthediseasebutin"smallquantity"andonlyeffectiveagainsttheZairestrain

The "challenge" of these researchers is now to "produce these antibodies on a large scale, through a vaccine" that can be effective against all strains of the virus, said Rafael Delgado, head of the microbiology department of this hospital.

According to him, the difficulty lies that the Ebola virus protects itself with carapaceous proteins and exposes its vulnerable areas for a short time, making it difficult to of the immune system

The microbiologist has indicated that he expects the results of the tests in mice by one year from now.

An experimental vaccine, with the technical name rVSVSV-ZEBOV, has already been developed at the Following the terrible epidemic, the most violent in history, which hit West Africa between late 2013 and 2016, causing more than 11,300 deaths.

Administered in May in the DRC, this vaccine, developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada – licensed by NewLink Genetics, which in turn licensed it to Merck & Co – was rated "very effective" by the World Health Organization (WHO) but it is only against the strain Zaire.

The American laboratory Johnson & Johnson develops an experimental vaccine against two strains.

Spain had recorded in 2014 the first person contaminated outside Africa . Teresa Romero, a caregiver, contracted hemorrhagic fever in Spain, caring for a repatriated missionary from Sierra Leone in a Madrilenian hospital and died of the disease.

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