Evere: HRC joins majority PS-sp.a-Open VLD-Challenge



The humanists will not have an alderman, but the rest of the majority agrees to support the candidacy of a CDH member for the presidency of the Agence Immobilière Sociale.

This Tuesday, the burgomaster prevented Rudi Vervoort announced that the majority composed of the List of the Mayor (LB) and Challenge would eventually be extended to the Humanists evero. For several weeks, the LB has been working on a majority agreement in which the local chapter of the HRC will be able to find satisfaction. Today, it's done.

Leading the list and the only elected Everois Humanists to the communal council, Sylvie Mbombo Tshidimba has therefore agreed to join a majority which will therefore have 21 seats (out of 35).

The humanists will not have an alderman but the LB and Défi undertake to support the candidacy of a candidate proposed by the HRC to the presidency of the Agence Immobilière Sociale (AIS). "The HRE of Evere is delighted with this extended hand and can participate positively in the future of Evere," said Yves Libert (CDH), CPAS consultant.

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