Fans: using them at night is not a good idea


A site dedicated to sleep indicates that some people must avoid using a fan all night during hot weather for health reasons. But if so, there are simple rules of use to follow.

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In times of heat wave, it is a reflex that many people adopt: turn on his fan. If this habit keeps the air moving, it would not be wise to use it all night long. This is stated in an article published on the specialized website The Sleep Advisor. If its author admits undoubtedly that its nocturnal use brings advantages, it is also the case for less known disadvantages. Starting with a risk of allergy for people who are subject to it (asthma, hay fever …) because when a fan circulates the air in the room, particles of dust and pollen can enter the sinuses. 19659004] "Also, look closely at your fan. If there is dust on the blades, these particles fly into the air each time you turn it on, "the article's authors explain. The air just becomes drier if a fan turns in a closed room, and it is the skin and the eyes that can be irritated. Not to mention that for people who sleep open mouth, it may dry out their mouth and throat. The consequences can even be more serious, with a risk of irritation of the sinuses. Indeed, the constant flow of air can also dry out the nasal pbadages, thus the sinuses, and the body then produces an excess of mucus to compensate, which can provoke headaches.

It is necessary to choose the correct model

Another impact felt in the survey is less known but nevertheless handicapping: sore muscles. "People who sleep with air directly on them may wake up with stiff or sore muscles. This is because the concentrated fresh air can "tense" them and encourage cramps. This problem is common in people who sleep with a fan near the face. It is therefore recommended to move a little away from the bed, at the risk of ending up with severe torticollis the next morning. It is for all these reasons that these experts advise against using it in case of respiratory diseases, but also if the bed is shared: it can make the other person also sick.

Another recommendation, use a fan that turns rather than a fixed constant airflow to minimize the risk of irritation. A precaution that also applies to the ears. Indeed, a device that buzzes very close to them is not recommended. Care must be taken to choose a relatively quiet model, which can turn and has a timer (to avoid exposure all night). Experts therefore believe that it is not forbidden to use it provided they meet all these conditions of use. Added to that are other known recommendations such as eating lightly, closing windows and shutters during the day, drinking cool and taking a cold shower before going to bed.

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