First 3D and color X-ray of a human body


An image produced by the CERN tool that allows for 3D radios in color. – MARS Bioimaging Ltd / CERN

This is a first. A group of New Zealand scientists has succeeded in developing a 3D color X-ray of a human body.

This feat is the result of a technique that could contribute to the improvement of medical diagnosis, according to CERN . It was the European laboratory that developed this technology.

High Resolution Images

"This X-ray color imaging technique could produce clearer, more accurate images and help doctors to give more accurate diagnoses to their patients, "CERN said in a statement. In the images, it would be possible to clearly distinguish the difference between bone, muscle and cartilage as well as the position and size of cancerous tumors, among others.

Named Medipix, the tool works like a camera . It detects and counts individual subatomic particles when they collide with pixels. Scientists have been able to obtain high contrast and high resolution images.

Called "Spectral CT", the 3D scanner will be used in the coming months in a clinical trial on patients in orthopedics and rheumatology in New England. Zealand. According to CERN, this scanner equipped with a Medipix reading chip could then be used regularly by doctors

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