"Godzilla 2 – King of Monsters" has made a mouthful of North American box office, according to estimates published Sunday by the specialized company Exhibitor Relations.
The sequel to "Godzilla" 2014 has raised $ 49 million between Friday and Sunday in the United States and Canada. A relative disappointment knowing that the first component had done nearly twice as good for its start.
The film, in which a slew of titanic monsters threaten the future of humanity, has been variously welcomed by critics.
Leading the weekend before, the "Aladdin" of Disney slip in second place, with all the same $ 42.3 million in three days. Will Smith's camp includes the facetious genie lamp.
Another novelty completes the podium: "Rocketman". Elton John's biopic, played brilliantly by Taron Egerton, garnered $ 25 million. Exactly half as much as "Bohemian Rhapsody" (on the Queen band) in November 2018, to which it is inevitably compared.
The psychological thriller "Ma", fourth, has made for its part with 18.3 million recipes a more than honorable start for a film with a tight budget of $ 5 million.
The $ 11.1 million weekend of "John Wick Parabellum", third installment of the adventures of a former hitman played by Keanu Reeves, put him in fifth place.
Here is the rest of the Top 10:
6- "Avengers: Endgame" ($ 7.8 million this weekend)
7 – "Detective Pokemon Pikachu" (6.7 million)
8 – "Booksmart" (3.3 million)
9 – "BrightBurn – The child of evil" (2.3 million)
10 – "The coup of the century" (1.3 million)
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