Half of Americans have been trying to lose weight last year


HEALTH – Half of US adults try to lose weight, according to a new major public health survey released on Thursday, as the United States is hit by an epidemic of obesity.

40% of the population was estimated to be obese in 2015-2016, a proportion that rises to more than 70% if we include overweight people.

Figures from this new survey published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that weight is a widespread concern in the United States.

49% of those over 20 years of age reported trying to lose weight in the last 12 months, including 42% of men and 56% of women. Nearly six in ten women in the 40-59 age group say they are looking to lose weight. On average, the more affluent people are, the more worried they are.

The survey shows that these attempts are not limited to obese or overweight people. One-quarter of people with normal or less than normal weight, and one-third among women, say they have also sought to lose weight.

See also The HuffPost :


See also:

• Surgery for obesity promotes the end of celibacy … and divorce

• One in four adults in the world could be obese in thirty years

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