Here is the coach in pole position to occupy the position of T1 at RSCA



Vincent Kompany's T1 in Anderlecht should be Simon Davies (45), currently active at the Manchester City Academy.

He is the coaching manager of U13 U23. He was the coach of the Espoirs and the deputy of Patrick Vieira in the Espoirs team. Davies, a Welshman, has not signed his contract yet, but negotiations are on track.

As a player, Davies was a great prospect for Manchester United. He was part of the gold team with David Beckham, Nicky Butt and Gary Neville. He played about twenty games in team A and scored in the Champions League against Galatasaray, but did not break through.

He continued his playing career in smaller clubs like Luton and Chester City, where he began his career as a coach. Anderlecht did not want to confirm the information. Vincent Kompany himself will have the honor to announce who will support him.

R. V.P. and Y. T.

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