How an NGO wants to make autism a national cause


The NGO "Overcoming Autism" has just published the first international and factual scientific White Paper on all the components of autism and on research in English and French.

The topics covered in the book refer to the concrete concerns of families and professionals about the possible origins of autism, namely the impact of prematurity of births, genetic causes, the link between autism and its possible comorbidities ( psychiatric, immune, neurological diseases …), says the NGO in a statement.

Different articles thus provide current insights into diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment, care and possibilities for recovery.

Also, several articles present the social issues and the public health problems that the management of autism covers, notably those of the deterioration of the state of health of the autistic people and the early mortalities, notes the document, noting that the absence of autism on the lists of leading causes of death leads to invisibility, neglect of the disease and failure in the development of new therapeutic approaches.

The impact of autism on our societies is urgently needed, says the NGO "Overcoming Autism", believing that an ethical response would necessarily imply the implementation of a public health policy based on universal access to appropriate care, based on scientific evidence, enabling individuals to reach their full potential.

The White Paper is available for free online at

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