How Castagne became a player to 20 million


Scorer against Kazakhstan on Saturday, the Luxembourger has become a holder in the Devils.

"Do I stay at Atalanta?" (He pauses) Good question, I have to think about it. " Timothy Castagne (23) does not lie. He has no idea what his future will be like.

The lateral is facing the most important choice of his career. Two years ago, when he made the big jump from Genk to Serie A, his ride was as natural as possible. This time the dilemma is Cornelian.

"I want to play the Champions League"he told us during our visit to his home in Bergamo.

He also stated that "just play to qualify for the European Cups" no longer suited him.

"I want to play for trophies", he added. "I feel ready to take it to the next level, I have great adaptability, I've gone from the D3 to Genk and then Genk to Serie A. I'm better when I have to adapt to a team stronger than me. "

The message is clear : (…)

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