Hundreds of Britons Hospitalized for Burns Due to High Heat


While France is experiencing its first heat wave episode of the year, the Public Health England, equivalent of High Authority Health, has issued an alert on severe sunburn. In the past two months, no fewer than 220 people have been hospitalized in Northern Ireland for sunburns.

The agency has urged people who expose themselves to "use common sense" and protect themselves from UV rays, recalling that a sunburn doubles the risk of developing melanoma. "Our advice is to think about what you do in the sun and use common sense – to know the limits of your own skin, not to stay too long under a blazing sun, to wear sunglbades and a headgear , dress with light colored clothing and finally use a 15 "sunscreen," said Professor John O'Hagan of Public Health England.

"Children must receive special treatment"

For Matthew Patey, CEO of the British Skin Foundation, "the increase in burns due to sunburn is not surprising, but this situation is largely avoidable, and following these tips will help to unclog hospitals and prevent the long-term development of skin cancers. " He added: "Children must be given special treatment, they must be protected from the sun and must wear a SPF 50 sunblock with UVA and UVB protection." Do not forget to apply cream regularly and hydrate accordingly. "

More than a quarter of Britons do not wear sunscreen when exposed to the sun, according to a YouGov study. And when they do, they forget crucial areas, such as the back, the eye area, the knees or the ears. Common mistakes in areas that are not used to good weather. In France, Brittany holds the sad record of the highest regional incidence of skin cancer. 19.7 melanoma cases per 100 000 population were recorded in 2016 compared to only 14.3 cases per 100 000 inhabitants (the national average) for the Var and the Alpes-Maritimes.

80 000 new cases of cancer the skin

Every year in France, 80 000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed, that is 219 people every day. Since January 1, 2018, 28,198 have been. About 1600 people die each year. INCa and Inpes estimate that the increase in the number of skin cancer cases since the 1980s is due to the fact that the French tend to expose themselves more often and longer to the sun and to make sessions of UV.

To protect against UVB, choose a cream with sufficient sun protection factor (SPF). The indices, which range from 6 to 50+, express the ability of a cream to delay sunburn. A fair-skinned individual will see their skin start to blush from about 10 minutes of exposure. An index 15 cream will give him a break of 150 minutes before his skin starts to scorch again.

The choice of the SPF index depends on your phototype, that is to say, your pigmentation and your sensitivity under the sun. For the beach, we can rely on the following benchmarks:

– Skin quite resistant (matte or black, no sunburn): SPF 6 to 10

– Intermediate skin (tanning easily, rare sunburns ): SPF 15 to 25

– Sensitive skin (white, frequent sunburn): SPF 30 to 50

– Extremely sensitive skin (white, freckles, not tans): SPF 50+

Second degree burn

These indices are calculated by baduming that the cream is applied at the rate of two grams per square centimeter of skin. An illusory quantity, which would cost you practically a tube a day! In practice, it is often considered that an index of 50 corresponds to an index 15. For white skins, it is therefore necessary to opt for a 50 index cream and basting every two hours.

In case of blows of sun, cool the area with cold water, then apply a cream (Biafine, Cicalfate, Epitheliale or Cicabio cream) for a few days. If the skin turns bright red, peels off, blisters, or edema forms, it is a second-degree burn. It is then imperative to apply compresses of cold water, to pbad a cream for the burns (Laluset, Bepanthen …, not of biafine) and to consult a doctor. While waiting for the professional to examine you, it is advisable to stay calm, naked, in the dark, drink water and take paracetamol.

Attention, poorly cared for, this type of burn can leave scars and spots, and deprive the patient of sun for the rest of the holidays, or for all his life. "A severe sunburn exhausts the sun capital.The patient no longer has natural melanoma protection and will be more likely to develop cancerous lesions in the next twenty years, especially if it is a bit very clear. to expose oneself ", explains in the Express the dermatologist Michèle Pelletier.

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