"If you do not lose weight, you will never have a child" or "So you do not see that in the state you are in, having a child is death badured". These remarks, made by gynecologists and reported by women living with overweight, alert about medical grossophobia, can we read in an article of Release published this Monday, November 26th.
According to an unpublished survey conducted by the Clinical Ethics Center of the Cochin Hospital in Paris, these women who want to have a child, undergo grossophobic judgments when in consultation with their gynecologists.
Researchers at the Center questioned about 50 women with a BMI greater than 30 on the relations maintained with their doctor. Whether for routine gynecology, spontaneous pregnancy follow-up, or medically badisted procreation. In parallel, a group of gynecologists was also surveyed.
"You know, even pregnant, you can go on a diet"
"I feel like I have half care, not being properly examined"says a young woman, as if "Obesity parasitic consultation"says the daily. "The gynecologist told me it was unconscious" to want a child, says another woman.
In the group of women with spontaneous pregnancy, some words are even more violent: "The gynecologist who pulls me out" You know, even pregnant, you can go on a diet '", "Some people told me that instead of doing a kid at 40, I'd better go on a diet.".
"If you do not know the weight, you do not know the patient", says one of the interviewed gynecologists. For these specialists, being overweight or obese is a major cardiovascular risk factor. "The relationship with the gynecologist is deteriorating more and more, from routine follow-up to that of pregnancy, and from monitoring pregnancy to the course of MPAs. As if motherhood allowed to make women feel guilty, and the desire for maternity even more "says the study.
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