In the summer, do not give up on AIDS and STIs


They crisscross the beaches … a jump of condoms in hand.

Doctors CeGIDD Var, usually installed in hospitals that house testing centers, go to meet vacationers, where they are on the beach, at the exit of the discotheques.

In his motorhome, CeGIDD can pbad directly anonymous and free screening to those who wish.

Because the carelessness of the summer should not bring down vigilance. Doctors remind the population that we must not let our guard down when AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections continue to spread. Statistics even place Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur among the most affected regions (see box). To protect itself from it, the best bulwark remains the condom.

AIDS and STIs still present in PACA

According to the figures of InVS, relayed by Crips PACA, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is still the second largest France region for new infections after the Ile-de-France

Each year, it is estimated that 500 the number of people who discover their seropositivity in PACA (out of 6000 in France ), a figure rising while it is stable in the Paris region.

In France, 150,000 people live with AIDS, and 25,000 of them do not know it.

Sexually Transmitted Infections in Chlamydia and Gonococcus constitute a public health problem because of their frequency, and their complications: pain, infections, infertility.

These two bacteria mainly affect a young audience, between 15 and 24 years, because of the non-systematic condom use. Since 2012, the number of diagnoses in France has been multiplied by 3.

A recent study of Public Health France, place there again Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur among the most affected regions . The 3rd of France (after Ile-de-France and Guadeloupe) for Chlamydia, with more than 1000 cases diagnosed per 100,000 inhabitants, mainly young women.

For gonococcal infection, PACA is by far the first the most affected region with more than 600 cases per 100 000 inhabitants (infection mainly affecting men).

Following this study, Santé Publique France launched a digital campaign on 18 July to promote the use of condoms among men. young.

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