By Sam Christophe
Everything but a surprise: this Tuesday, RTL has communicated to Emmanuelle Praet the decision that no longer had any doubt for anyone. The columnist will no longer participate in "It's not every day Sunday", nor any other talk show in the chain, whether on radio or TV.
Neither the small media-political earthquake that this eviction has led to, nor the mbadive support enjoyed by the polemicist with a part of the population have therefore changed RTL's view. But the opposite would have been surprising, as the tone of the communiqué very quickly written Sunday afternoon, was pithy and almost bloody. The guillotine chopper had already been activated, only decapitation could follow.
The real reasons for the eviction of Emmanuelle Praet from RTL.
In the official statement of the dismissal received on Tuesday, it says that it is Sunday that the columnist has crossed the red line: she has committed professional misconduct. But it also reads, and that's a lot more challenging, than it is "The many reactions to his suspension that convinced the management of the chain of the impossibility for Ms. Praet to continue to meet the criterion of independence, essential for the chain". Does this mean that the support, more or less clear, of Charles Michel and Theo Francken could play against Emmanuelle Praet? In any case, it is not impossible to think of it by reading the words used!
►►► "She was too far away, once again":
Philippe Delusinne, director of RTL Belgium, justifies this decision.
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