This is a big surprise and a first: the President of the Brussels Court of First Instance, Luc Hennart, has had his term not renewed at the head of the Brussels Court of First Instance.
Luc Hennart was no longer answering the phone. Since the controversy with the judge Anne Gruwez, he was discreet in the media, a shame for this man who likes nothing so much as to discuss, debate and convince for hours. It's that President Hennart had a little too much talk about him, triggering a sling among "his own" investigating judges, a few weeks before the renewal of his mandate. This is the problem of big talkers: the comparison of Judge Gruwez with a "monkey on a barbaric organ" does not look like him and has not pbaded.
Was there a causal link? It can not be said for the moment. But the Superior Council of Justice, which Wednesday hearing Luc Hennart, decided to refuse his application for renewal. Huge surprise whereas never, in all its history, this body which appoints the magistrates had refused a new sesame to a chief of body.
The 28 members of the combined nomination commission (Dutch-speaking and French-speaking) did not obtain a 2/3 majority. It is quite possible that Luc Hennart, unpopular in the north of the country, paid for his often offensive remarks. Committee members will have to write a written statement of this decision and send it to Justice Minister Koen Geens. Luc Hennart should therefore become an adviser to the Brussels Court of Appeal at the end of his term, which expires at the end of March. Moreover, chance of timing, the president of the Dutch-speaking court of first instance, Alfred Van Winsen, is also retoque. Both positions will be declared vacant and calls for applications will be launched. The 28 members of the combined nomination commission (Dutch-speaking and French-speaking) did not obtain a 2/3 majority.
It is quite possible that Luc Hennart, unpopular in the north of the country, paid his often offensive. Committee members will have to write a written statement of this decision and send it to Justice Minister Koen Geens. Luc Hennart should therefore become an adviser to the Brussels Court of Appeal at the end of his term, which expires at the end of March. President of the Brussels court since 2007, Luc Hennart was soon to badert his rights to retirement. And it is little to say that the man with the bow tie embodies "his" courthouse of the place Poelaert, putting regularly a good hour to cross the room of not lost, taken that it is by many heated discussions.
Human and social
What kind of magistrate is this spectacular judge in the double bbad voice? "A very good judge whose decisions are always very human. He has an ego problem, everyone knows it, but no one will say he is bad. And he has a social side that other colleagues do not have ", launches a criminal lawyer Brussels, with whom he had however "heated up".
Chief Opponent at Geens
And what is its balance sheet? He promoted and conducted the expedited proceedings in person, allowing the trial of facts committed a few weeks earlier. Debates are often the subject of the show "facing the judge", on RTL, which attracts him either praise, or critics of those who can not longer see a judge who loves the light so much.
President Hennart also acted to reduce liabilities. It has multiplied by five the number of chambers dealing with criminal financial matters. He split the appeals chamber of the police court and allowed the end of clear abuse. He led the organization of special chambers for terrorism, enabling quick and effective decisions. He also pushed the opening of Justice to the media and the general public. It was not enough.
Beyond these changes, Justice Hennart had become thea symbol of opposition to Minister Koen Geenshe accuses, through interviews, of destroying the judicial institution. He must now rub his hands. The political positioning of the judge, frankly PS, was grinding a lot of teeth. Up to those of Manuella Cadelli, president of the Trade Union Association of Magistrates, another fierce opponent of Koen Geens. And those of the judge Anne Gruwez, heroine of the film "Ni Judge or Submissive" who must today enjoy what looks like a revenge of fate.
No ivory tower
In an interview at Le Soir in 2014, Luc Hennart recounted his vision of the magistrate. "Before, he was in an ivory tower, inaccessible." The litigant could not ask him to be held accountable or to question him.This time is over.The magistrate has arrived in social life, he can no longer consider that he is Out of all, he is a citizen among others exercising a function in the society of which he is a part. " A portrait that suits him well.
The profile
1986. He becomes a magistrate.
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