New blood test more accurate than a biopsy to detect a deadly cancer


A new blood test was found to detect melanoma faster and more effectively than a biopsy. This is a first that paves the way for earlier diagnosis of certain cancers.

Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer, with about 60,000 deaths worldwide each year. This cancer is peculiar: if detected early enough, the survival rate climbs to 95%. But if you miss this first diagnosis, the chances fall below 50%. Early detection is the key to fighting this disease

"While clinicians do a fantastic job with the tools available, relying only on biopsies can be problematic: we know that three biopsies out of four are negative for Melanoma " explains Pauline Zaenker of the Melanoma Research Group at Edith Cowan University, Australia, and lead author of the study. She also points out that a biopsy is an invasive and very expensive method.

This new blood test, called MelDX, works by detecting antibodies produced by the body once the melanoma is developed. Of the 1,627 different types of antibody badyzed by the team, about ten indicated the presence of melanoma. The researchers then took blood from 104 people with melanoma and 105 people who were "healthy". They discovered that the test was able to detect the presence of melanoma with an accuracy of 81.5%. Note that the accuracy rate of skin biopsies, according to a 2012 study, was 76% in a public Australian hospital.

The researchers point out that the next step will be to pbad a new clinical trial to the blood test, currently in the course of organization. "We are considering this operation over a period of three years, and if that were to succeed, we could have a test ready to be used in pathology clinics shortly thereafter" Mel Melanoma's Mel Ziman says Research Group. "The ultimate goal is that this blood test be used to provide a better diagnosis before biopsy in people who are at higher risk for melanoma, such as those with a large number of moles, or family history. .

In parallel, there are easy ways to protect yourself from melanoma and other skin cancers: putting sunscreen on, staying in the shade during the hottest hours of the day. the day and avoid the tanning booths

You will find all the details of this study in the review Oncotarget .


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