"No, I did not kill my daughter Emmie"


By S.Po.

Brigitte Van De Steene is believed to have voluntarily administered to her daughter Emmie a drug that could lead to death. Out of prison since Thursday, she gives us her version of the facts.

Thursday, April 12, in the afternoon, the little Emmie, 7 years old, is found dead in her bed, at her dad's, at the Athénée street in Chimay. For two days, the girl was sick, suffering from gastroenteritis. She vomited regularly

An investigation is opened in Charleroi, of the head of manslaughter by default of foresight or precaution. The parents of the little girl are then auditioned while toxicological tests are conducted. In fact, the child succumbed to ingestion of methadone, a synthetic opiate used to treat heroin or other opioid addiction. A 65 mg pill was swallowed. This product is dangerous for non-addicts, like Emmie. On the other hand, the girl's parents, who have at least a history of drug addicts, are both on methadone.

On April 15, the father, Samy Asmanis, is found dead at a friend's house. Drug absorption, and, implicitly, suicide, are then evoked. He had discovered the lifeless body of his daughter in bed. Even today, the real causes of dad's death remain to be determined.

At the end of June, another rebound: Brigitte Van De Steene, who lives in Momignies but was present at the rue de l'Athénée in Chimay the hours before death Emmie is charged with poisoning. She is suspected of having voluntarily administered a poisonous substance with no intention of killing. Mom is incarcerated

"I slept with her"

This Thursday, the chamber of indictment of Mons released him under conditions but it remains charged.

This Friday, we met her in Momignies, with her family. "
                     I never gave him methadone, either voluntarily or by mistake
                    ", She claims.


She delivers us in exclusivity and in detail her version of the facts
                        : "At three in the morning, she woke up. She asked me to hug her and said, 'I love you. You are the best of moms' "

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