now, you could be stuck … for a sparkle in your windshield!


By Johnny Maghe

A little claw on the windshield of your car or on one of the side windows? Beware because it may soon be worth a red card at the technical control. In Flanders, the measure has already been applied since December 2018. To the dismay of several drivers who have been stalled because of a simple glare in their windshield.

It is a famous change and it is still likely to surprise more than one. Since December 17, 2018, the automobile inspection in Flanders has to apply new European rules. Much stricter. The inspection of windows is based on a Flemish government decree of 27 April 2018 transposing a European directive of 2014. But if it is not yet applicable in Wallonia and Brussels, it may happen soon in both other regions of the country.

More and more motorists receive a red card at technical control because of claws or small strokes on the windshield. Which was not the case before. So much so that the Flemish Ombudsman has received various complaints from motorists, who had to replace their windshields rather quickly. The car of these people was not even inspected since there was a crack or scratch on the windshield. Previously, for example, a vehicle with a crack of less than 10 centimeters in the windshield on the pbadenger side could leave the light spirit of the center with only instructions to monitor the crack. It is no longer the case. The same crack will now be worth to the driver a red card that will be valid for two weeks. Damage must be repaired during this time.

Following the numerous complaints, the rules have recently been relaxed but they still remain more severe than before. From now on, damage that can lead to a red card is no longer limited to the driver's field of vision. "They extend to the wiper and side window cleaning area, when the view of the mirrors is obstructed," says Marie De Backer, Goca spokeswoman, Group of approved companies for the automobile control and driver's license. "In Brussels and Wallonia, the regulations have not changed yet, but it will probably be the case soon. "

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