Private leasing is becoming more and more popular: here are the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of this formula


In a family budget, the mobility item can weigh heavily. To avoid financial surprises, private leasing is a new way to use your car, with all-inclusive packages. With a choice of 3,800 individuals last year, this represents 3% of the leasing market, dominated by companies, as indicated by our journalists Aurélie Henneton, Xavier Preyat and Michel Herinckx.

Sébastien Hallet opted for leasing 2 years ago. No credit but a rental … for ease. The car does not belong to him. Its cost is fixed and everything is included, even the tires. "It costs me 199 euros a month, which includes all the maintenance and tires, winter and summer. The only small mistake I made is that the contract is made for 10,000 kilometers a year. But I did a lot more"he said.

Penalty: 1,200 euros for 20,000 kilometers too much. But not what to discourage the motorist.

Uncertainties on the evolution of the sector

Argument for leasing: the big unknown about fuels: which one to choose? With what taxes or what help in the years to come? Customers prefer to delay for a few years.

"Gasoline, diesel, alternative energies, electricity, hybrids, we hear a little bit of everything and people are lost. For that, leasing is relaxing for them because the vehicle is taken over by the bank or the leasing company."explained Laurent De Viron, leasing specialist in a car dealership.

In Belgium, 3% of new leasing contracts concern individuals. 2,000 in 2016. 3,800 last year. Use rather than buy, a new choice of mobility. 12,500 cars are under private leasing.

The formula also attracts young drivers, seduced by cheaper insurance premiums because they are negotiated on a large scale by leasing companies.

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