several wounded are to be deplored!


This Tuesday evening, around 21 hours, a gas cylinder began to catch fire at the top of the Havre Street. A security perimeter has been set up. Several wounded are to be deplored.

A person more seriously affected was transported to Charleroi.
A person more seriously affected was transported to Charleroi. – Luc Meunier

While the party was in full swing, the emergency services burst into emergency on the side of the Grand-Place, at the corner between rue d'Havré and rue de la Clef. A gas cylinder began to catch fire! The situation has been put under control, but several wounded are deplored. They suffer from burns. "There are 5 light wounded and one burned more seriously transported to Charleroi, but his days are not in danger," says Nicolas Martin, mayor of Mons who attended the scene. "Many people are also shocked. "

The helpers arrived quickly.
The helpers arrived quickly. – LM

A security perimeter has been set up. It concerns the rue d'Havré and the upper part of the Grand-Place. The people who were in the surrounding settlements were evacuated. The carboy could indeed explode at any moment.

"Unfortunately, the bottle was defective, we explain at the tavern restaurant Le Carillon. There was a start of fire quickly controlled, but the bottle has rolled. It was actually a carboy present on the outdoor burgers stand. The heat has even melted the arbor installed opposite.

The security perimeter is currently maintained, because the floor is expected on site to "determine the causes of the accident," says Nicolas Martin.

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