six deaths caused by a cholera epidemic in the country


By: | Keywords: Cameroon-cholera-health | Updated 19-07-2018

Cameroon is on alert against a declared cholera outbreak, which causes panic in the country, with 49 suspected cases announced among which there are six deaths including one in the capital Yaounde,

According to the Ministry of Public Health, two of the ten administrative regions of the Central African country are in an epidemic. Three suspected cases were first reported on 18 June in the Mayo Oulo department in the north. For a week, Yaounde, the capital and chief town of the Central region, is also affected.

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Public Health reported Wednesday to Xinhua, in total, Cameroon records 49 suspected cases of cholera reported including six deaths, with one reported in Yaounde.

Health authorities evoke "probable importation" of Nigeria, the giant of West Africa whose northern region shares borders with the states of Adamawa and Borno where an epidemic of this disease makes ravages.

In the capital, medical follow-up is announced for a total of 186 contacts. An active search is conducted to find undeclared cases in community, followed by the setting up of a tracking device for other contacts.

The Cameroonian authorities have also launched research to locate the source of contamination of the disease in the country. In order to stop the spread of the epidemic and rebadure the population, they began a communication campaign on the control measures of this epidemic with the hospital and community case management.

The public awareness campaign calls for a change of behavior and insists on hygiene and sanitation measures.

The actions carried out involve the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

An interministerial meeting on the management of this health crisis is scheduled for Thursday. F

<! – enpproperty 57790031 2018-07-19 00: 16: 15: 128 Cameroon: Six deaths caused by a cholera epidemic in the country Cameroon-cholera -health 1002 7,176,468 News News null Xinhua News Agency Cameroon is on alert against a declared cholera outbreak, which causes panic in the country, with 49 suspected cases among which there are six deaths including one in the capital Yaounde. 1 / enpproperty ->

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