SNCF: black day for trains from Montparnasse to Paris


The traffic was very disrupted Friday Montparnbade station in Paris and should be still Saturday following a fire on a substation RTE, betting a difficult weekend for travelers cross-summer summer . For the day Saturday, the SNCF is committed to circulate "at least" 70% of the 180 TGV planned from Montparnbade, said the deputy general manager of SNCF Mathias Vicherat. SNCF will reimburse the tickets in full after three hours delay.

After a total interruption at the end of the morning, the traffic resumed very partially at the beginning of the afternoon with three trains at the start and three trains at the airport. 'arrival by hour station Montparnbade, said the CEO of SNCF Réseau Patrick Jeantet at a press point. Friday around 11:30, an electrical transformer RTE in Issy-les-Moulineaux caught fire, cutting power stations SNCF, including relief, said Jeantet.

Given that EDF n has not been able to ensure the recharge of the Paris Montparnbade station and despite all our efforts, our traffic capacity remains reduced. @SNCF is obliged at 18h to announce the suppression of the following trains on arrival at Paris Montparnbade.

– Groupe SNCF (@GroupeSNCF) July 27, 2018

The power supply "can not be fully restored" Friday, announced RTE late afternoon. Its teams were still working in the evening on an "exceptional action plan" to put in place a temporary technical solution to restore power to the station, and around 22:30, 13,500 homes were still without power, according to RTE. In the face of strong disturbances, the SNCF advises its customers who can delay their trip.

"It is the total blur"

"It is raging, it is the total blur", deplores near AFP Eva Basin, a 42-year-old Parisian who was due to leave for Quimper. "I'm advised to postpone my ticket, but I only have one week of vacation!" She adds. "Tomorrow all trains will be complete, I will try to catch a bus." SNCF has put in place an alternative power supply plan for the station, allowing part of the trains to be run

If the departure of the TGV to Brittany and the Pays de la Loire stays in Montparnbade, those coming from or to the South-West are redirected to the station of Paris-Austerlitz. TGVs to Tours and Poitiers are abolished, travelers are invited to use the Intercités trains from Austerlitz.

By the way, at the end of the day Friday, thunderstorms caused power supply problems that disrupted traffic in the Parisian stations of the East and the North, according to the SNCF. Thunderstorms disrupted traffic on several RER and Transilien lines. For example, a lightning strike on installations in the Versailles sector forced SNCF to stop the traffic at the end of the evening on part of the RER C and the N line of the Transilien as well as on the entire line U, according to the SNCF Transilien website


On the scene of the fire in Issy-les-Moulineaux, the incident was circumscribed. In the main alley of the Montparnbade station, pbadengers were queuing in the afternoon in front of trolleys where employees of SNCF distribute bottles of water during this heat wave. Grouped around an SNCF agent, travelers hope to find answers. "My train is gone, what do I do?" exclaims a traveler. The agent, confused, tells him that "the majority of trains are reported at the Austerlitz station". "It's not marked for my train," says the traveler, obviously annoyed.

Sarah Galauziaux, a 22-year-old student, is sitting on the floor against a photo booth. She was going on holiday with her parents in Quimper: "I'm drunk, it's not the first time that it happens to me Montparnbade station and more", she gets angry. "I'm going home and take the train tomorrow, luckily, I'm on vacation, I do not have any imperatives", it tempers it.

Last year, already at the station Montparnbade, the traffic had been paralyzed that same weekend from crossover due to a signaling failure. After three days of major disruption and tens of thousands of pbadengers affected, the aging network was singled out. In December 2017, a computer bug on a switch station left thousands of pbadengers without transport in Montparnbade. In May 2016, a double breakdown had seriously disrupted the traffic in this same station.

(With AFP)

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