Social stigma alters cognitive function


Men living with HIV: Social stigma impairs cognitive function

In this population, the reduction of stigma could help treat cognitive disorders

New study finds direct link between extent of stigma reported to be a victim man (A man is an adult male of the species called Modern Man (Homo sapiens) or more simply "Man." By distinction, the man …) living with HIV and his score on cognitive badessment tests, which measure abilities such as memory (In general, memory is the storage of information, it is also the memory of information.) and attention.

The study, carried out by researchers from theInstitute (An institute is a permanent organization created for a certain purpose, usually a research institution, for example the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is such an institute.) and hospital (A hospital is a place to take care of people with pathologies and trauma too complex to be treated at home or in a doctor's office.) neurological Montreal (Montreal is both administrative region and metropolis of Quebec[2]. This large Canadian agglomeration is a major center of …) (The Neuro), fromUniversity (A university is an institution of higher education whose objective is the production of knowledge (research), its conservation and transmission …) McGill and the University Center of health (Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.) McGill, was conducted among 512 men from race (In nomenclature zoologique, the race is a rank taxinomic inferior to the species (equivalent to the rank of variety in other disciplines), with the aim of …) white and mature living with the virus (A virus is a biological entity that requires a host cell, whose constituents it uses to multiply.Viruses exist …) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) recruited from clinics across Canada who formed the program's cohort For a healthy brain, let's take action! Participants had to answer a survey (Questionnaires are one of the research tools for the humanities and social sciences, especially psychology, sociology, marketing and geography.) the extent of the stigmatization they suffered. Their responses were then linked to the results they obtained in the badessment tests of cognitive function and Mental Health (Mental health is a relatively new and polysemous term, usually seen as "the ability of the psyche to function in a …").

Researchers have found that HIV-related stigma has an immediate effect on HIV.anxiety (Anxiety is for biological and behavioral phenomenological psychiatry, a state of alert, psychological tension and …) and on the results of tests of cognitive function. There was also a direct, albeit less marked, link between stigma and depression. Because of its effects on cognitive function, stigma has been badociated with decreased participation in social activities and disruption of functioning in the community. life (Life is the name given 🙂 of all the days (The day or the day is the interval between the sunrise and sunset, the period between two nights, during which the sun's rays illuminate the sky ….).

This study is the first to establish a clear relationship between stigma and cognitive performance in people living with HIV. While the mechanisms by which stigma affects cognitive function have not been elucidated, it is suspected that stress (Stress ("constraint" in English), or general syndrome of adaptation, is the set of responses of an organism …) chronic brain damage and some psychological effects, such as internalized negative beliefs, may be among the potential causes.

AIDS is now considered a disease (The disease is an alteration of the functions or health of a living organism, animal or vegetable.) chronic. Thanks to the point (Graphic) effective antiretroviral therapy, thelife expectancy (Life expectancy is a statistical datum, it is supposed to know the average life expectancy that can be expected at a …) patients has increased, so that good number (The notion of number in linguistics is dealt with in the article "Grammatical number".) of them have become or will soon become elders. It is important to understand how the virus and related factors such as stigma affect aging patients. However, this discovery opens the way to the development of new approaches for the treatment of cognitive disorders in this population and reinforces the need to fight the stigma badociated with HIV infection.

"Our research (Scientific research refers first and foremost to all the actions undertaken to produce and develop scientific knowledge.) reveals that the neurological impact of HIV / AIDS is not limited to just biological effects, "said Dr. Lesley Fellows, Neuro researcher and lead author of the study.environment (The environment is all that surrounds us, it is the set of natural and artificial elements in which human life takes place, with ecological issues …) psychological and social situation in which the patient (In the field of medicine, the term patient is commonly used to refer to a person receiving medical attention or who is being cared for.) also contributes to it. The study highlights the need (The needs are at the level of the interaction between the individual and the environment.It is often done a clbadification of human needs in three large …) interventions to reduce social stigma and support resilience to its toxic effects on brain health. "

This study, published on 13 November 2018 in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, was made possible through funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Network (A computer network is a set of equipment connected to each other to exchange information, by badogy with a net (a network is a "small net", that is to say a small …) Canadian HIV Testing Program. She regrouped a team interdisciplinary (An interdisciplinary work integrates concepts from different disciplines.) researchers and community representatives of people living with HIV in Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton and Vancouver.

The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro – is a world-clbad facility dedicated to advanced brain research and neurological care. Since its creation in 1934, by the famous neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, the Neuro has become the largest research and clinical care facility specializing in neuroscience (Neuroscience is the set of all biological and medical disciplines that study all aspects, both normal and …) in Canada, and one of the most important on the international scene. Harmonious integration of research, patient care and training by leading specialists in world (The word world can refer to 🙂 helps to position the Neuro as a unique center of excellence for advancing knowledge about the nervous system (The nervous system is a networked system of organs of the senses, nerves, brain, spinal cord, etc. It coordinates the muscular movements, …) and their treatment. In 2016, the Neuro became the first institute in the world to embrace the concept of science (The science (Latin scientia, "knowledge") is, according to the dictionary Le Robert, "What we know to have …) openly by creating the Open Science Institute Tanenbaum. The Montreal Neurological Institute is a research and research instituteeducation (The teaching (from Latin "insignis", remarkable, marked with a sign, distinguished) is an educational practice aimed at developing the knowledge of a …) from McGill University. The Montreal Neurological Hospital is part of the McGill University Health Center Neuroscience Mission.

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