Testosterone drives men to luxury goods!


A study, conducted by an American business school in Philadelphia, shows that testosterone, the male hormone, leads men to prefer luxury brands. Why ?

 Testosterone drives men to luxury goods!

© istock

The testosterone is the male hormone secreted in the testes. It is secreted 7 to 8 times more in humans than in women, where it is found in the ovaries.

Testosterone has multiple functions: of course it participates in the development of male badual characteristics to virilization, but not only! It also plays a role on mood on stress on muscle and bone development energy …

Testosterone: it increases the desire of luxury

A study, conducted by the Wharton School, a business school in Philadelphia, and whose results are published in Nature Communications, shows that testosterone also pushes men to prefer luxury in matters of objects and products

For their study, the researchers recruited a little more than 240 men aged 18 to 55. They separated them into two groups. One group received one dose of testosterone, the other did not

Then, they put the two groups face duets of similar products except that each time, l ' one of them was a product of lux e. Men who received a dose of testosterone chose the luxury product.

The researchers explain this choice by the need for these men to show their rank within society. And, by choosing a luxury product, they ranked in a higher rank . The researchers compared the behavior of these men with the peabad who makes the wheel or antlers, two devices to show their beauty, their superiority over others!

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