The BOB campaign and the reinforced police checks begin this Friday: more mobile to double the social networks and pay attention to Thursday night …


Reinforced alcohol checks begin this Friday at 22h until 28 January at 6am, duration of the BOB campaign whose slogan this year is "Bob = 100% sober".

In 2017, there were no less than 4,210 alcohol-related crashes. A figure down (-2% compared to 2016, -7% compared to 2012), but still too high. It corresponds to an accident every 2 hours! On weekend nights, almost every other accident (43%) involves a driver under the influence of alcohol. But alcohol is also present in accidents during the day: about 1 in 8 on weekends (12%) and 1 in 25 on weekdays (4%). And according to an badysis of the institute Vias, the average blood alcohol level of drivers involved in an accident is around 1.7 per thousand, more than 3 times the legal limit.

Thursday has become a day off like another

At the same time, a new profile of alcoholic drivers worries the authorities: those who prefer to drink on weekdays rather than weekends. Benoit Godart, spokesperson for VIAS, explained in RTL INFO 13h: "Some people are already leaving from Wednesday night and especially on Thursday night precisely to avoid being controlled.On Thursday night, the peak of accidents due to alcohol already extends from 17h to 3am!"

Controlled more mobile and on secondary roads

For this year, the police promise more mobile checkpoints, to adapt to the use of social networks and mobile applications by motorists. Koen Ricour, the director of the police of the road, explains what his policemen see in the field: "It's really very rare that they turn to run away, but what they are looking for is to take the small roads where they think we are not, but we will be there" this year, he says.

You let your friends go drunk?

Despite all the prevention made, there remains a big problem of mentality in Belgium. "In many countries, especially the Nordic countries, not combining drinking and driving is a cultural code, and in Belgium this is not yet the case, as a recent survey by the Vinci Foundation shows. presence of a person who will take the road and who has drunk too much, one in four Belgians (24%) says nothing to him, it is the highest percentage of Europe ", laments the Federal Minister of Mobility François Bellot. "That's where you have to keep working", insists Benoit Godart.

Heavier fines to come

The federal minister also reminded the new legislation on the repression of driving while intoxicated, "which will produce its effects in the coming months" as well as the introduction of "automated procedure for the treatment of less serious offenses".

The taxi at half price in Wallonia

On the Walloon side, the representative of the Minister Carlo Di Antonio recalled the existence of the Backsafe check taxi, which allows young people under 30 to pay for their fare at half price in 10 cities in the south of the country.

Another novelty to come gradually home: service stations on highways will stop selling alcohol, including in highways restaurants.

For 23 years, the Bob campaign has combined prevention, via communication campaigns, with law enforcement through increased police controls. This year, Philippe Gilbert and Sven Nys cycle riders are sponsoring the operation.

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