The Kombat League lands in Mortal Kombat 11


Starting today, a new free game mode is available in Mortal Kombat 11. Named the Kombat League, this game mode seasonal allows players to compete for 4 weeks in clbadified parts. The goal will be to enthrone at the top of 9 ranks, going from apprentice to that of God Elder. Note that to motivate you, each unlocked rank will allow you to leave with exclusive items as well as various items by completing daily challenges and quests.

As soon as a season of Kombat League will close, another will start immediately in Mortal Kombat 11 with new awards.

Warner Bros. promises us that the matchmaking system has been optimized in the Kombat League to ensure an equivalent level between opponents. Note that a new gauge has been added for the arrival of the Kombat League. This one allows to estimate the chances of victory on his opponent at the beginning of each clbadified part.

Mortal Kombat 11: Trailer of the Kombat League

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