THE PICTURE. West Africa: "Cassava Ebola" attacks


a dish made with cooked cbadava semolina, in Afféry (southern Côte d'Ivoire)? June 25, 2018. A very popular dish in West Africa. The continent is the world's largest producer of this plant (57%), which is eaten tubers, rich in carbohydrates and starch, but also the leaves and starch, produced from the roots. The plant enters, for example, the bowl of 80% of the 180 million inhabitants of Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa. "The brown streak of cbadava, a viral disease that causes the loss of 90-100% of production in Central Africa, is moving towards West Africa. It's a threat to take very seriously, "says Dr. Justin Pita, Executive Director of the West African Virus Epidemiology Program. The virus is spread by white flies. Humans can also be vectors of transmission when carrying cbadava cuttings.

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