The story of the depression of a young mother becomes viral on social networks


A pregnant woman. Illustration image. – Free-Photos

In a long publication published in late June on her Facebook page, a 25-year-old American mother confides in all sincerity on the maternal burnout she has suffered since the birth of her children. Since then, her publication has become viral on social networks.

In her message, spotted by LCI, Brittany Ernsperger explains how everyday tasks become real trials. "Three days ago, I was sitting on the kitchen floor and I was looking at the pile of dishes crying. I knew I had to do it. I really wanted to do it. But
the depression pulled me down. She sucked me. Like a black hole, "says the young woman who admits to having left behind her dirty dishes" for two weeks. "

She feels" no, stupid and lazy "

The young mother also evokes her uneasiness at daily, its difficulties in dealing with seemingly simple tasks such as laundry, cleaning, preparing meals or brushing children's teeth. An involuntary procrastination, which undermines her confidence in herself. " No value. Nothing. Incompetent. Dumb. Lazy Girl. That's what goes through the mind of someone with depression. "

Brittany also says she feels like a bad mother:" For the third night in a row, you do not have no clean dishes to cook. So you give them some pizza. Once again. "

A Message of Encouragement for Other Moms

Brittany Ernsperger suffers from depression, a disease that affects more than 300 million people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of diagnosed cases increased by 18% between 2005 and 2015.

The young mother wants to send a message of encouragement to people with depression like her. "You are not weak (…). I do not care that the only thing you've done today is to put deodorant. I'm proud of you for that. Well done, "she wrote.

A message of hope that seems to find an echo. Brittany Ernsperger's post, published on June 30, has already been shared more than 208,000 times.

>> See also: Depression: Scientists identify protein making some antidepressants ineffective

>> read also: Sport reduces the risk of depression

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