The waves of phones, bad for the memory of young people


A Swiss study points to the harmful effects of mobile phone waves on the performance of young people's memories.

Smartphones affect the memory of young people according to a Swiss study of the Swiss Tropical Institute and Public Health (Swiss TPH) reported by the Swiss newspaper Le Temps. High-frequency electromagnetic fields can have detrimental effects on memory development in certain areas of the brain

The study was conducted among 700 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. They were followed individually for one year by the researchers. These have obtained from the telephony operators the individual data of the users. Researchers confirmed the results of a previous study dating back to 2015 that smartphones had negative effects on the development of so-called Figural memory benefits.

Earphones and Loudspeaker to Reduce Potential Risks

Figural memory is located in the right hemisphere of the brain. To evaluate it, tests are done on computer, it is about badembling different abstract figures. The researchers noted that the drop in performance was greater when young people used their phones on their right ear. According to Professor Martin Röösli, at the origin of the study, this suggests that the dose of radiation absorbed is responsible for this decline.

In contrast, send messages, surf the internet or play video games his smartphone would have no consequence on the development of the memory, the irradiation of the brain being weaker during these activities. The researchers want to confirm the results of this study in order to exclude other factors that may have an impact on cognitive abilities, such as puberty.

In the meantime, Professor Röösli recommends using headphones or the loudspeaker to make calls by reducing potential risks. This is particularly true when the reception is bad because the power of the phone is then at its maximum.

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