Therapeutic cannabis will be allowed in the UK


A man smokes cannabis (Illustration). – KONRAD K./SIPA

Therapeutic cannabis will be allowed in the UK on prescription from the fall, said Thursday the British Home Secretary, Sajid Javid. "This will help patients with specific medical needs but this is by no means a first step towards the legalization of recreational cannabis," the minister said in a statement.

On June 19, the Minister asked two groups of independent experts to address the issue. An initial badysis, led by Sally Davies, the government's chief medical advisor, concluded that medical cannabis has been shown to have therapeutic benefits.

The Drug Abuse Advisory Council has also last week that doctors should be able to prescribe therapeutic cannabis provided the products meet safety standards.

"There is nothing more difficult than seeing one's loved ones suffer"

Several the case of sick people illegally caring for cannabis products, including two children with epilepsy, Alfie Dingley and Billy Caldwell, who were taking cannabis oil, had recently been mediatized.

Therapeutic cannabis available on prescription will improve the lives of patients who are currently suffering in silence. There is nothing more difficult than to see one's loved ones suffer, which is why I made that decision, "the Home Secretary said on Twitter.

" Normal Life "

] Billy Caldwell's mother was delighted with this new "fantastic" that falls on the day her son turns thirteen. "Billy never received a better gift and never someone so unexpected," she testified.

"My little boy Billy will now be able to live a normal life with his mom through the simple administering a few drops a day of a natural medicine long decried but quite effective. "

Interest in cannabis or Indian hemp, used as a medicinal plant since ancient Egypt, was revived in 1990s by the discovery of a body-made cannabis badogue, the endogenous cannabinoid, found in the brains of both men and animals.

Since then, dozens of studies have confirmed the value of cannabis therapeutic, for example to treat muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, chronic pain in certain neurological conditions, or prevent nausea and vomiting in people with cancer

In the United Kingdom, cannabis, which was clbadified as a drug with no therapeutic value, will change category. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) will now "clearly define what constitutes a cannabis drug" so that they can be prescribed, a indicated the Ministry of the Interior. "Other forms of cannabis will be strictly controlled and will not be available on prescription."

Upcoming Discussion on Recreational Use

Mike Penning, Co-Chair of a Transpartisan Parliamentary Group on Cannabis for Medical Use said he was "happy" that the minister had "acted so fast". "This announcement brings hope to many thousands of people," he said. "However, there is still a lot of work to do to define exactly which products will be allowed and how they will be regulated." Several other European countries have legalized therapeutic cannabis, such as Germany, Austria, Finland or Italy.

In the United Kingdom, Liberal Democrats, who have long campaigned for the liberalization of drug laws noted that the change was "long overdue" but regretted that the government does not wish to revise the "outdated and harmful laws surrounding the recreational use of cannabis."

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