Tour de Belgique: a first for Campenaerts



The Hour Recordman won his first race online.

"The big performance of the day – it does not come from me, but from Victor Campenaerts."

These words are those of Remco Evenepoel, who congratulated the Recordman of the Hour for his stage victory. After a long break.

"We had no choice in the overall standings: we had to attack to try to overthrow Remco Evenepoel"commented Lotto-Soudal's rider. "I went far enough, but I was inspired, I like the short stages! There is always a show. Our offensive in Chambralles may have been too strong, because we left only four (with Gianni Marchand, Quinten Hermans and Andreas Kron) It was not enough to hope to get a lot ahead, especially against such a Deceuninck-Quick Step team. "

But Campenaerts was able to keep (with the amazing young Danish Kron) a small lead before the last climb of La Roche-aux-Falcons.

"I built him as a chrono specialist, knowing my pace"he explains. "When Remco took over Tim Wellens, I felt it was time to try to attack, and then I apologized to Tim, who gave up, but he told me I did not need to apologize because I won. "

His first success on an online race, he has so far only won times. "And that's pretty cool"he slips into a smile.

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