United States. She loses 6 nails after a fish-pedicure


An American woman lost six of her nails a few months after being offered a fish pedicure. A pathology caused by fish bites is the cause of the fall of his fingernails

Diving his feet in a pool before being devoured the dead skin by small fish. The fish pedicure has been invited to France for a few years and often still curious. Also called, fish doctors, they have never so badly worn their nickname. A few months after using this technique, an American woman lost six of her nails, reports the review JAMA Dermatology .

The patient has developed an onychomadesis, a pathology of the nail that causes her fall. The fish, the Garra rufa actually reproduce what they usually do in their natural habitat, namely to feed on plankton that they get by sucking the surface of the rocks. "Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it is likely that the trauma caused by the fish biting the nail plate many times causes it to fall" said dermatology doctor Shari Lipner, who headed the study and questioned by franceinfo .

In 2016, the National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and Labor (ANSES) had already warned against the fashion of fish pedicure. "There is a potential risk of transmission of pathogens through water or fish during the practice of" fish pedicure "" had it said in a statement. [19659005] [ad_2]
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