Vaccination: a bi-monthly fine for Australians who do not vaccinate their children


It is 18 euros of tax benefits that parents who do not vaccinate their child lose twice a month. A not insignificant sum at the end of the year!

 childhood vaccine

© istock

For nearly twenty years, number of unvaccinated children in Australia has been steadily increasing . It was 0.23% in 1999 and 1.77% in 2014 . Faced with the refusal of parents, more and more frequent, to vaccinate their child, the government takes action.

No sting, no money!

At first, the government set up the movement "No sting, no money" in 2015. Thus, the parents who refused to have their child vaccinated lost, each year, 468 euros in family allowances. This law is relaxed when the non-vaccination is justified by a medical reason for example. In this case, only certain allowances are not paid. The small unvaccinated Australians are not not accepted in nurseries, kindergartens or recreation centers.

A financial penalty twice a month

Since July 1 the government has opted for a financial penalty of 18 euros every 15 days for parents who do not vaccinate their child. At the end of the year, the amount withdrawn from families remains the same as before. However, the government hopes that with this reminder twice a month, parents will finally decide to vaccinate their child.

And in France?

Since January 1, 2018 11 vaccines are mandatory . Parents who do not have their child vaccinated can not register them in day care or at school, but they are not penalized.

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