West Africa: "Cassava Ebola" threatens food security


Food security in West Africa is threatened because of "cbadava Ebola", a viral disease that can destroy almost the entire crop and is spread by small white flies. A real risk when we know that cbadava is one of the staple foods for many Africans.

Behind the gates of the scientific pole of Houphouet-Boigny University of Bingerville in Côte d'Ivoire, is the headquarters of the program Wave, specializing in food safety and funded by Bill Gates. For months, these researchers have been working tirelessly. Their mission: find a cure for this disease that attacks cbadava.

"It is caused by a virus, an RNA virus, and we have the symptoms on cbadava plants, on the leaves, on the stems on which we have necrosis, but especially on the roots"

Ce a virus spread by white flies but also by humans when carrying cuttings, has already ravaged almost all cbadava production in Central Africa and is spreading dangerously to West Africa. Its virulence is such that researchers call it "cbadava Ebola."

Now, this plant, very nutritious, inexpensive and easy to grow, is the staple food of nearly 500 million Africans . The cbadava semolina, for example, accompanies some of the most popular dishes, and the continent is the world's leading producer of this plant. Then time is running out.

"We first built laboratories, equipped laboratories, trained technicians, researchers, students, because we must have the capacity, the infrastructure, but also the intellectual capabilities to be able to address this problem"

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