While the AIDS pandemic is not waning in the world in France, STIs are thriving (by RiskAssur published by FRANOL Services)


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 While the pand

While the AIDS pandemic is not waning in the world in France it is STIs that thrive

Article read 1128 times, since its publication on 19 / 07/2018 at 20:27:06 (length: 3040 characters)

In both cases, the causes are the same, a carelessness that results in poorly protected relationships, but also by the multipartnership, the lack of research funding, slowing progress.

For AIDS, the number of new infections remains too high to hope to end the pandemic.

UNAIDS has just drawn the signal alarm just a few days before the 22nd International AIDS Conference, to be held this year in Amsterdam, July 23 to 27.

If, for the first time, the number of people who die of AIDS goes below the symbolic threshold of (you have read 20%, it remains to read 80%, of this arti cle.)

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