Yellow vests in Brussels: will they block … RTL?



A new target in the viewfinder yellows, which are expected in scattered order on Brussels this Friday. Pool goggles on the nose!

There is, in the protest of the yellow vests, many demands and distrust. Especially with regard to the media. While the movement is expected, for the first time, in the capital tomorrow Friday, the rumor bursts: in their attempt to unite the troops, the yellows are thinking about the possibility of blocking the seat of RTL, located in Schaerbeek! By distrust of the television channel, or by reaction to the eviction of Emmanuelle Praet?

Meanwhile, the calls to go to 16, Rue de la Loi – Prime Minister Charles Michel occupies a neutral zone, however, where it is forbidden to demonstrate – are still relevant.

As a reminder, the event, in its official appearance, was canceled Monday by one of its organizers, Gary Ducran. This will not prevent gatherings from taking place anyway, but without the official character of a legal, framed and secure event. It remains to evaluate the impact, as well as the precise number of yellows expected: impossible, at the moment.

However, two instructions are currently circulating on various Facebook groups where yellow vests are organized: hide the famous chasuble until the last moment and bring … swimming goggles to resist tear gas throughout the meetings .. .

To that.

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