Zoom -Sida: how to do a screening test?


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On the occasion of the 30e World AIDS Day, whose theme is " Know your status ", Service.public.fr recalls that early detection makes it possible, in the event of contamination, to follow a more effective treatment since it is started early.

About 6,000 new cases of HIV infection are discovered each year and an estimated 24,000 people are carriers of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) without knowing it … World AIDS Day, which takes place on 1st December 2018 highlights the importance of AIDS testing

Indeed, in case of risk taking, abandonment of condom use in a couple relationship or for a pregnancy project, screening makes it possible to know if one is infected with HIV and possibly to start a treatment. quickly.

The test can be done by means of:

  • a blood test
    • by talking to your doctor or a doctor practicing in a private practice that prescribes a blood test to be performed in a laboratory (it is reimbursed to 100% by the Health Insurance);
    • by going to an anonymous and free testing center;
    • by contacting a laboratory without a medical prescription and therefore without reimbursement by the Health Insurance.
  • a rapid biological orientation test (Trod), a reagent that detects HIV infection in a drop of blood taken from a finger or a saliva sample
    • in a maternal and child health center (PMI) or family planning;
    • in an anonymous and free testing center;
    • in an badociation fighting against AIDS for example.
  • HIV self test
    • in a drug store. The process is identical to Trod (it costs around 28 € and he is not reimbursed by the Health Insurance).

An order concerning the reimbursement of certain condoms published on November 27, 2018

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