Ben Roethlisberger motivated by the domination of the Patriots, 6th Super Bowl


Addressing the media before training on Wednesday, Ben Roethlisberger answered several questions about the clash with the Super Bowl champions for the opening of the 2019 season. This Sunday will be the first match with this set of teammates to start another championship race. Roethlisberger was entering his 16th season and was asked if he was still nervous before the match or where he was channeling other emotions instead.

"I'm nervous, I'm sure," replied Roethlisberger. "I think it's nervous as well as nervous. We are going there. I'm sure they drop a banner or whatever they will do. What an exciting and extraordinary opportunity for us all. "

As for the opening of the season against the Patriots, the Steelers were used to meeting them later in the year. The Steelers have already played New England once before week 7 in the nine regular-season games since Mike Tomlin was named head coach in 2001. Asked about his opener against New England rather than his late defeat, Roethlisberger said that he was tied. in the first week in the past before discussing the challenges of playing the Patriots.

"I think we have already done it," Roethlisberger said. "As I said, it's not fun. It's the best for a reason: coaches and players. It's not like we had a problem with them. The league had a problem with them. They are this dominant. I already said, playing at home is difficult enough. Going to their place is almost impossible. The only good thing is that it's not a team from AFC North. "

Roethlisberger seemed to be up to the task when asked what challenge would come in the very first game.

"Yes, no one has won, and nobody has lost. They are the champions of the world and we must go in their place and do our best. "

While the Steelers are 3-7 in their last 10 meetings with the Patriots, they are 1-0 in the last calendar year. Roethilsberger was asked if he really wanted to be the last team to defeat New England in 2018.

"I did not think about that. It's really cool. Whenever you can beat the Patriots, it's pretty cool. "

When asked if he liked to watch Tom Brady, 42, from the sideline, he quickly steered his answer to explain what he wanted to see from his own players and no opposition.

"Well, I want our defense to attack that guy," Roethlisberger said. "But it's an honor to share the field with perhaps the best of all time. It's humbling and fun to watch. I just want him to have his worst game against us because our defense takes it afterwards. "

One of the many challenges faced by the Steelers Sunday night is to face the extra emotions of the championship ceremony before the kickoff. When asked to stay focused throughout the race, Roethlisberger guided the reflective process of the 2018 Patriots' achievements to the Steelers goals for the 2019 season.

"Honestly, I think it's cool to be part of it. You go out and look at it, you sit and try to channel the message saying, "Well, it must be us next year." That's how I see things.

Roethlisberger was asked about the hype and emotions of Sunday's match against other AFC North match matches.

"It's the first game of the year. They are the world champions. We are just trying to get where they are. It will be exciting for all of us. I know the crowd will be excited. Sunday Night Football is not a match at one o'clock. All of these things contribute to an exciting evening. "

While watching the New England Patriots celebrate their sixth Super Bowl Championship gives the impression that the Steelers' players and fans are at the rendezvous, it is quite fitting that both teams are on the ground for start the season in pursuit of their team. seventh championships. So Sunday night, let the race begin.

Ben Roethlisberger's full interview can be seen here:


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